2021 Survey: Changing Hygiene Habits

Last Updated on November 19, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic is re-shaping our lives in a number of ways. It’s not only showing us just how important hygiene is, but we are now actively living our lives in a way that prevents the spread of infectious disease. As a result, businesses are implementing strict hygiene measures in order to keep their staff and their customers safe.

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How Have Our Hygiene Habits Changed Since the Start of the Pandemic

At Citron, we’ve been helping our customers navigate this pandemic every step of the way. That’s why we wanted to know how Canadians were adapting their behavior to this pandemic, and what hygiene measures they want to see businesses and public facilities take in order to make them feel safe returning to them.

This Survey Report reviews the changing hygiene habits since the COVID-19 Pandemic including:

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Who will benefit from reading this Report?

Facility managers or business owners who want to gain an understanding of Canadian hygiene habits, why hygiene is so important, and what they can implement to improve it.

We surveyed 2000 Canadian adults and here’s what we found:

Find out how we can help elevate your washroom experience. Talk to us.

Why Choose Citron Hygiene?