Citron Hygiene EcoClean is now Ecologo Approved

Last Updated on October 10, 2022

EcoLogoCitron Hygiene was recently awarded Ecologo Certification for its EcoClean formulation, a product that is used in its EcoClean System.

EcoClean is an advanced, intelligent system for continuous, cost-effective treatment of toilets and urinals. Digitally measured doses of the specially formulated EcoClean solution are automatically dispensed into flush water to treat urinals and toilets 24 hours a day.

EcoClean is a proprietary, non-toxic, natural enzyme-based solution that interrupts the formation of organic and inorganic scale while controlling the growth of odor-causing bacteria. It is biodegradable and harmless to the environment. The UL ECOLOGO mark helps Citron Hygiene communicate its sustainability leadership and environmental stewardship.

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UL Environment’s ECOLOGO program is an independent third-party certification program that evaluates manufacturing facilities on energy use, waste disposal, and toxics reduction, among other areas.

Earning the mark demonstrates that Citron Hygiene is a world leader in sustainability and cares about healthier, more sustainable products.

EcoClean“We are very excited about this recent certification of our EcoClean› formula,” said Peter Farrell, President and CEO. “By earning the UL ECOLOGO certification, we can now fully understand, measure, and credibly communicate the superior environmental performance of this product. When a customer chooses the EcoClean service, they are using a product that meets stringent standards of environmental leadership. In fact, EcoClean tested with 98.5% cleaning efficiency against the same type of benchmark products in the Canadian Market.”

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UL Environment, a division of UL (Underwriters Laboratories), works to advance global sustainability, environmental health, and safety by supporting the growth and development of environmentally preferable products, services, and organizations. For more information, visit the UL Environment website.

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